DigitalPreservation 2014 CURATEcamp

There will be a one-day CURATEcamp following this years DigitalPreservation 2014 conference at Catholic University in Washington DC.
We are focusing this camp on exploring issues around collecting, preserving, intrepreting and presenting records of digital culture. You can read more about the topic below. The facilitators will be Trevor Owens, digital archivist at the Library of Congress, Amanda Brennan from Tumblr, and Folklorist Trevor J. Blank.


Register online here.


WHEN: July 24th (9am - 4pm)
WHERE: The Catholic University of America, Columbus Law School, 3600 John McCormick Rd. N.E., Washington, DC
COST: Free, there is no cost to register for the meeting
LOGISTICS: Catholic University is on the Red Line in DC's metro system, across from the Brookland Metro.
DISCUSSION: #curatecamp on Twitter and #curatecamp on irc.freenode.netnew nike air max 2019